I've already covered my advice regarding advertising with P411, PD and Er0s in my previous post examining SW advertising websites. Please go check it out that post if you missed it. In this Part 2 I'll be covering Slixa, STG, MP, Bedpage and Adultsearch and Tryst. I'm simply sharing my experience in over ten years of advertising online and what I've learned talking to many SW's over the years. Reading the experiences of other SW's via their Reddit and Twitter posts has also formed my opinions on the various advertising websites. My perspective is of a femme advertising both "escort" and "BDSM" services, so this isn't applicable to male or online only SWs.

Slixa has high search engine optimization for some reason so always ranks near the top on Google, possibly because they've been around since before Tryst took over. When I search for the phrase 'NYC Escort' on Google, Slixa ranks 5th behind Bedpage so it has fooled many a newbie provider into advertising with them, something they soon come to regret. Clients simply aren't on this website. I advertised with them once and didn't book any clients. This has been the experience of many SW's I know.
Peruse their site today and you'll see 150 -ish escorts listed, some of which are established providers but I believe some just use it for the exposure, to boost their social media followers, not because they ever book clients from Slixa. If you have a lot of extra funds to burn, why not advertise there? That's why you'll see a few real providers on Slixa but most of the ads are fake or for online only SWs. I have spoken with a very well known, more mature provider regarding her advertising strategy and she says she's looking for a whale, one wealthy client only, and so she buys nationwide ads on Slixa, Eros, and possibly more. Obviously this method hasn't paid off as here we are a year later and she's still buying nationwide ads looking for that one mythical whale. Keep in mind she was discussing this on a Twitter space so was maintaining her brand image as a "elite" "high end" provider and saying she's looking for just one very rich client is exactly how she continues to attract them. And who doesn't want extremely wealthy clients?
But this isn't cost effective for most of us and most of us won't see a ROI with Slixa, which is why NYC has only 150-ish postings and Tryst has 1,973 postings in NYC. From what I recall, the ad was around $100, so not too expensive. Most SWs try Slixa once and then realize there are no real clients on the site.

STG (Skip the Games) is an OG in the companion advertising game yet I haven't been able to discover exactly when they first started hosting ads. I see STG blog posts from 2011 so let's assume they came out around that time. They have high SEO and some companions find it beneficial to advertise there in order to boost traffic to their website and social medias. But I haven't actually booked a client from STG in years since I raised my rates and started requiring verification from clients. From what I've gathered talking to other SW's, guys on STG generally won't spend over 250, refuse to verify themselves or pay a deposit. They also frequently demand unsafe services while not paying the premium for said services. But the website is currently still free and I believe in utilizing every free platform that we can.
STG clients generally don't have much respect for providers. They're looking for the cheapest experience while refusing to tell us who they are. I don't put myself into vulnerable positions with men behind closed doors so this site isn't very useful to me. A myriad of things can go wrong when FSSW's don't screen/take a deposit, from traveling all the way to Brooklyn with no deposit only to find out it was a fake booking and you're not getting paid, to rape, murder, assault and being robbed. These are the unsexy realities of FSSW that dudes on STG don't care one lick about.
But when I remember, I'll log on to STG and schedule a bunch of posts on advance as their system allows posters to schedule one post up to 15 times, with at least 15 minutes in-between posts. I don't expect to actually book any clients from STG but hey, maybe I'll get a few more hits to my website, boosting my SEO ranking.

MP is in the same boat as STG. These sites are scraped by Listcrawler and other scraper sites. Advertising on MP (Megapersonals) is free so if you have an account, why not post there? But I have never booked a client from MP. The clients on MP are looking for a bargain so it attracts the same type of dude that STG does.

Bedpage is a mystery to me. I haven't been able to figure out how to buy an ad there yet it ranks in the top 5 when searching for "NYC Escort" so they must be doing something right. My provider friend has tried advertising with them but it requires a $500 deposit. I don't get it. If someone can explain to me how this website works, please leave a comment on my Twitter/x. Their user interface resembles Craigslist (the original online classified site) yet I don't think anyone uses this site for anything other than seeking affordable paid companionship. I've heard this site is popular in Long Island but have no idea how true this is.

Adultsearch has been around since before FOSTA/SESTA and I used it after BP went down with great success. I tried buying another ad with them a few years ago, just before the pandemic, and didn't book any clients. Now, I'm not available for last minute incalls so that's also a limiting factor for me personally in booking appointments. I don't personally know anyone who uses this site.

Now for the big one, the site that has a monopoly on the FSSW industry: Tryst. The best clients come from Tryst. They only host ads from independent providers and ID/photo verify us so clients know that the providers they book from Tryst are "real" and don't have to worry about scammers on the site the way they do with Eros.
I recently tweeted about how my Tryst profile was probably being targeted for false flagging because two unstable SW's have been attacking my business for quite some time. Turns out I was sadly correct when I received a warning from Tryst at the end of February, saying my profile would be deleted if I didn't reverify within 7 days. In a panic, I retook my verification photos holding up my ID and holding signs with my working name, etc. and Tryst removed the warning from my account because unlike the SW's who are attacking my business, I don't use old photos or over-edit. What you see online is what you get in person. The ironic thing is if these SW's who false flagged my Tryst were forced to reverify, they wouldn't be approved due to the vast difference between their IRL looks and the image they portray online. But because I do look like my photos, Tryst re-verified my photos/profile and I let them know who I'm being targeted by so this won't happen again in the future.
And this is the problem with Tryst: They allow for anonymous reporting of any profile on their site. Any obsessed stalker can get a VPN, a vendetta and reach out to some friends to report your Tryst, and after enough false reports are submitted, Tryst is often forced to take some kind of action. The easiest way to false flag a provider's Tryst is by claiming that they don't look like their photos. I've spoken with a handful of providers who have been targeted by the same SW's who target me. Tryst now knows that I was/am the target of false flagging so hopefully this doesn't happen again. Tryst has a monopoly on the FSSW industry and they need to exercise extreme caution when taking away income from providers. Although many providers have written to Tryst and raised concerns about their anonymous reporting feature that's easily exploited by stalkers, nothing will be done until a provider with an extremely large platform loses their Tryst.
I'm generally happy with Tryst as a whole as they provide me with my best regular clients. The suitors who scroll Tryst are generally more generous and view FSSW's as humans, not meat on parade. Tryst clients have no problem verifying their identity and paying my deposit. Heck, they even buy me gifts from my Wishlist! I am grateful that Tryst and not sleazy, scammy Eros has the monopoly over SW sites but Tryst should hire more employees. It shouldn't take a week for photos to be approved. My friend applied to Tryst and it took them a month to approve her profile! This is unacceptable but it will take providers with larger platforms than mine to effect change on these issues.
Tryst are making money hand over fist and really should invest some of that in hiring more employees. But I'm grateful for their inclusivity and for the fact that they're run by former SW's. Unlike Eros, I always see a ROI with Tryst. Unlike Eros, their photo policy is sane and always the same regardless of the provider. Eros are infamous for randomly refusing to approve photos and not telling you why your photos aren't approved. Myself and many SW's have had this problem and it can take Eros days to approve your photos, and when you're touring, sometimes you don't have days to wait.
If you read this far, I appreciate you so much! Some of you know my story regarding why I was forced to change my last name and start a new Twitter. Rebuilding in a post-Elon Twitter/x world isn't easy so it would really help me if you could like and leave a comment on my Twitter/x post advertising this blog! Commenting which SW advertising sites are the best and retweeting my blog really helps.
Thank you so much for supporting me while I get this brand off the ground! It'll take years of dedication to get back to the engagement I saw previously and I'm so grateful for those of you who are here (even the stalkers 😘)!