Why do the whoriest whores and sluttiest sluts love Bluesky? SW's experience the negative attributes of Twitter/X in a more heightened and painful way due to our status as oppressed workers. Due to Puritan ideals, we lack legal protections and other human rights afforded to other workers. Online platforms incur many legal risks by hosting our profiles since FOSTA was enacted, leading many to ban us outright from their platforms, like Meta, or shadow ban most of our content (like Twitter/X) except in the case of a lucky, generally homogenous (white, cis, thin, able-bodied, upper-class femmes) few whose tedious shower thoughts are constantly shoved into our faces by a biased, profits based algorithm.
I've seen a few posts on Bluesky stating that it's lovely to see SW's on Bluesky whom they don't often see on Twitter/X because "You have to be a social media expert to obtain visibility on X" and that hasn't been my experience.
I had no idea what I was doing when I first got on Twitter in 2018 but I didn't have an unwell SW, Valet Parker (the SW who has been criminally harassing myself and other SW's she believes are a threat to the only thing she cares about - her social media image, outed myself and multiple SW's to family/people IRL, hacked multiple SW's, doxed multiple SW's on her multiple alt Twitter hate pages, runs these Twitter/X pages posting SW's dox/my face/my family's dox, generally is extremely dangerous with a criminal history of harassing folks and criminal hoax's/pathological lying while slandering/playing the eternal victim to discredit her actual victims).
If you obtain a feral troll with a criminal history of harassment and lying, who's unwell enough to dedicate their entire life to harming yours, it's fairly easy for them to use their 40 billion Twitter alt accounts to false flag your profile. And bam, no more X visibility.
I was the opposite of a social media expert when I was going viral on X. All it took was one obsessed troll (with help from SW Elle Love, a former friend who doxed me to Valet/doxed a few other SW's who called her out and are now scared into silence, and is also a pathological liar, pathological/image obsessed personality and bully but less feral and more intelligent) determined to silence the fact that I've been warning the community about these SW's who have doxed/slandered/outed/hacked/harassed/bullied multiple SWs they view as threats to their image.
Also, harming other people is a fun for evil people. This is how they've been behaving for years but because I've generally been ignoring them and their other victims don't want to be further doxed, many don't yet know the truth about them.
It would take an entire Netflix series to explain the depths of doxing, lying, harassment, generally evil behavior these 2 have been partaking in for years, running multiple X accounts to dox any SW they see as a threat to their image while slandering them. Now isn't the time or place to show all of our evidence but give it time. You can't bully me into submission (or the one other victim willing to speak publicly) like the others.
Now, let's pivot from addressing community predators who excel at playing the victim so hide in plain sight:
Trans, BIPOC, fat, queer, disabled and otherwise marginalized SW's don't receive anywhere near the visibility on Twitter/X as they receive on Bluesky. At least, this was the information I gleaned when I set out to discover why all us unholy emotional-labor/sexy sex peddlers have migrated to Bluesky during the post-election fallout. I'm forever in debt to those who emailed, sent me a DM or commented their answers to a few basic questions relating to user experience on the un-enshittified version of Twitter/X.
The totally shocking results are in: SW's are, like non-SW's, frustrated with the enshittification of Twitter/X, a phenomenon inevitably occurring when private tech companies eventually degrade user experience to maximize shareholder profits and/or are bought by narcissistic billionaires with a penchant for boatloads of ketamine and white supremacy. Even the SW's who aren't shadow banned on X are migrating to Bluesky, as illustrated above by established companion Felicity Hunt's X post discussing, in the ever-tactful Succession speak that many providers skillfully employ, that Twitter really sucks.

The thing is, SW's experience the negative attributes of Twitter/X more dramatically, considering our marginalized, "othered" status in society due to our daring decision to buck patriarchal social controls and demand upfront payment for sexual and emotional labor, unlike heteronormative housewives who do it all for a roof over their heads and hopefully some spending money 😉.
This is evidenced by multiple SW's, such as DeLaine in LA (https://bsky.app/profile/delaineinla.bsky.social), who commented, "Twitter is way more negative. So much rage bait rises to the top there."
Celestina (https://bsky.app/profile/celestinagiovanni.bsky.social) explains, "X is a more negative experience as most ppl there are pretty aggressive or angry."
Gigi https://bsky.app/profile/missgigifox.satan.social) writes, "I now use Bluesky more and have deleted my Twitter(X) as I have been wanting to for a while. X is a negative experience from political drama to clickbait to ads...Bluesky, in contrast, has been a positive place..."
This was a common thread linking most SW responses to my questions: Anger. Outrage. Judgement. Hate. Low energy vibration ("bad vibes") can be found on Twitter/X which drove SW's to seek bluer pastures. Twitter/X platform operators hone their algorithms overtime and once we're all addicted or need to run businesses via X, they promote divisive negativity to increase engagement. Most modern humans are spiritually broken so unfortunately, we tend to click on or react to disturbing content because trauma is a comfy home for many.
Another issue is the doxing, harassment and cyberstalking that doesn't seem to go away thanks to Elon's dismantling of the Trust and Safety team. The internet is the Wild West and we don't yet have the laws in place to protect social media users. I have discussed the fact that a deranged Las Vegas FSSW (with a history of harassment and criminal falsification of information, as shown via court records I researched when attempting to obtain a restraining order) has been literally dedicating her entire feral existence to doxing, outing, harassing, hacking and slandering any SW who calls out her dangerous behavior.
So far, she has 5 known doxing victims (she perpetuates this behavior on alt Twitter pages and the slander/bullying also occurs on her main page) and counting while continuing to harm our community because her other victims are scared to speak out or are no longer on socials.
All this evil behavior takes place on Twitter/X and I stopped paying attention or attempting to get X to remove the pages she creates hating on/doxing/slandering myself (and people I'm related to) and other SW's who make her feel insecure in some way. I'm a celebrity who's used to a lil cray stalking, didn't you know?
Twitter/X does not care about harassment, trolling, doxing and other feral internet activities that the terminally unhappy partake in. Ultimately, this should-be criminal behavior generates clicks because... negativity generates clicks so there's little incentive for Elon to waste money keeping his site safe.
An additional issue bringing SW's to Bluesky is Twitter/X's frequent banning of SW accounts. D'arcy (https://bsky.app/profile/thedarcyeffect.bsky.social) writes, "My experience on Twitter was great at first. Over 20k followers with no issues for years. Then it was just one suspension after another for literally no apparent reason. I wasn't breaking any rules. It just became ridiculous trying to regain a following while living in the shadow ban realm... After 8 suspensions enough was enough. However without it I felt lost in the community. Then along came blue sky. It's everything Twitter used to be before it turned into X. There's literally no trolls on here as far as I can see... yet!"
Many SW's recount obtaining an unwell stalker/troll, resulting in their accounts being shadow banned (rendered invisible by the algorithm) or deleted due to the trolls creating a few sock accounts and obsessively false flagging their posts.
A few SW's also mentioned the ability to speak freely as a huge upside of Bluesky. Because it's open source and has no algorithm that dings us for cursing, showing nip (as long as we label our content correctly), or daring to say "sex" and "worker," Bluesky is perfect for those of us who went to Catholic school and just want to see some tits and scream "FUUUUCK ME DADDY" or "YOU'VE BEEN A VERY BAD BOY" into the void.
Another issue brought up by SW's is visibility: Many of us with intersecting identities mentioned the more homogenous nature of Twitter/X. As mentioned above, a certain "type" of provider or content creator is favored by the X algorithm and it isn't trans, queer, disabled or BIPOC folks. The "othered" receives more visibility on Bluesky. Multiple SW's commented that they love seeing more mutuals pop up generally, as well as seeing a diverse group of SW's on Bluesky.
If anyone aside from my stalkers read this far (I kid), Bluesky reposts and likes are greatly appreciated so more people can find my work! Please leave a comment on my Bluesky telling me why you are on the platform. I haven't quoted most of the SW's who contacted me because they wish to remain anonymous.