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What Not to do on Twitter/X as a SW

Being a provider in 2024 isn't easy. It's extremely challenging navigating the vast pitfalls of running a SW business online where censorship reigns supreme and Big Brother, your mama, your papa, and your future offspring are all watching. So let's go over some information that can hopefully help providers who aren't too experienced with what NOT to post on Twitter/X. I'll also be detailing a bit of my experience royally fucking up and accidentally acquiring two rabid providers who stalk/out/run hate pages about myself and other SWs who call their abuse out so hopefully someone can learn from my mistakes. To err is human, so let's get into all the beautiful human mistakes we make on Twitter, all things I myself have done in the past.

Here's my list, in no particular order. Feel free to comment on my Twitter if you have any additional advice to add to assist our newer provider friends.

Don't post your Tryst link! People. This site is advertising a certain type of activity and is flagged by Meta, Twitter/X and all of the major social media platforms. It may be hosted overseas and therefore allowed to operate, but this is not considered a family friendly site and apparently all social media, even the ones that explicitly allow adult content like X, will shadow ban your profile, or possibly even delete your account, if you post links to this site. Same goes for TER or any adult advertising sites.

Don't tag Tryst or TER! This is a more controversial take because some providers do tag Tryst and have no negative repercussions but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Is that hot take really worth getting shadow banned over? Interacting with Tryst makes you appear in the category of X profiles that promote illicit adult activity. So I steer clear from tagging or replying to them or any other SW site like TER.

Don't post a link to your website anywhere but your bio! Twitter doesn't like links so you're hindering your visibility on the platform if you post links to your website (or any website) anywhere within your posts. Just don't do it. You'll notice anytime I post a link to this blog, it gets a fraction of the engagement that my other posts get.

Why? Because Elon doesn't want to navigating away from his website. So Twitter deranks posts featuring links. If you're desperate to get your website address out there, add it to your photos by using an editing app like Canva. Make the font a bit transparent and put "" atop your photos instead of including a link to your website. People who want to book you are already going to click on your profile, see your website link in your bio, so it's not necessary to link it in posts.

Don't give you name and address to other SW's from Twitter/X! This one's obvious, but maybe not so obvious to those of us who are too trusting and want to see the good in others. I have been stalked, endlessly harassed, slandered, hacked, outed, and much more because I naively trusted another provider (Elle Love) with my former address (I was forced to move because her associate Valet Parker called up my landlord and outed me) and name.

I won't get into too many details here (that's for the podcast), but there are some extremely disturbed ladies on Twitter. Myself and another provider ended out relationships with Elle around a year ago and she couldn't have that. Never cut off a narcissist guys, always employ the "Grey Rock" technique.

Anyway, we stupidly called out the doxxing and other predatory behavior we witnessed from Elle so she skillfully manipulated her more feral associate Valet Parker (who has a criminal history of harassment and lying) into stalking, harassing, and now outing us. They both run a not-so-anonymous hate page dedicated to posting our non-SW social media photos, stalking us using our legal names, posting my old face photos when I'm face in, deep faking audio, faking screenshots, the list doesn't end.

When I say obsessed, I'm not joking. Valet Parker and Elle Love have searched my legal name (and their other victim's name) on literally every social media site known to man and post whatever photos they find on their hate page. The do the same to the other provider who ended her relationship with Elle and called Elle out. They think if they lie about us, slander us to make us look bad, people won't believe us when we say we were victimized by them. The amount of time these two have spent editing screenshots, deep faking audio, stalking us everywhere online, running obsessive hate pages dedicated to lying about us, it's actually astounding. I don't actually read this stuff but know it exists.

Never say anything negative about a malignant narcissist because they will be sure to slander and bully you while attempting to harm you in any way possible.

When anyone with half a mind, who has been paying attention to the situation, knows Elle and Valet run this hate page dedicated to their two victims that just happened to start up in fall 2023 right when we called Elle out.

And anyone paying attention realizes it doesn't benefit us to lie about getting outed and harassed. In fact, discussing this is perceived as "drama" and only lowers my Twitter engagement because it's the opposite of sexy. It doesn't make me money to discuss violence and abuse that two providers with larger platforms than me continue to perpetrate, who can just deny it and play the victim, it actually has done nothing but hurt my business.

Discussing anything that portrays me as a human, non-fuck doll scares away potential clients. But in case you haven't noticed, I do what's right because some things in life are worth fighting for, justice being one of them. Waking up the community to violent predators who out other SWs, slander, attack their business: I don't care if discussing this scares away a client or two who can't stand that SWs are humans with real human situations we deal with.

So please, it doesn't matter if you think you can trust another provider: you can't. Since this happened to me, so many providers have privately opened up to me about similar situations getting outed by other providers.

I was ill at the time this woman took advantage of me (otherwise I never would have been so careless as to give out my old ADDRESS to a SW I witnessed sending around face photos of her face in "friend" to mock her looks) but I understand that everything happens for a reason and this was the kick in the ass I needed to humble me, strip me of my large Twitter platform (they wrote a reddit post in r/sexworkers slandering my business that I didn't see until 2 months later, reported it and it was removed but the damage to my reputation was already done) and force me to finally get a life outside of SW.

The universe will throw obstacles and pain into your life for a reason: You need to grow, you need to change to fulfill your purpose on this earth. Mine is as a storyteller and my old way to existing was holding me back so although it's been extremely painful, I'm grateful to these two demons for forcing me out of my comfort zone.

Anyway, if you found this post useful or just enjoy the dash of tea I sprinkled in, just like my Twitter post and leave a comment! Starting over on X post-Elon is difficult so I'm grateful for your retweets, likes and comments!

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