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You Follow SW's Who Abuse Other SW's: The Quiet Epidemic

Updated: Feb 5

You follow sex workers who abuse other SW's. You follow sex workers who out other SW's. You follow and support violence against SW's.

Before you go telling me off in the comments, please read this entire post so I can explain to you how and why there exists an epidemic within the sex worker community of SW's outing, doxing, harassing, slandering, bullying, hacking, and generally doing anything to hurt one another. And how our collective silence makes us complicit.

As I've continued warning other SW's behind the scenes about two providers, E.L. and V.P., who continue to get away with running multiple Twitter/X pages doxing/slandering/impersonating/outing myself and multiple SW's who've posted something negative about them online, I've learned how common this behavior is. Many SW's have privately confessed the torture and trauma of being outed, doxed, slandered by other SW's while being unable to discuss this experience publicly lest these abusers escalate their behavior.

We risk being further harassed, our families/people IRL being contacted further so most SW's who are abused this way by other SW's, or anyone really, tend to shut up, allowing this violent behavior to continue. SW's become unhoused when they're outed to landlords. They lose family, friends, jobs, lives. Mental health deteriorates as we spiral in a sea of isolation, feelings like no one hears us, almost no one cares.

Because when we do try doing the right thing and warn the community, despite the huge risks, generally no one cares. I can't tell you how many people I've told my story to who say, "Oh, scary. I'll keep an eye out" while continuing to follow them. (You suck, btw)

People simply look at who has more followers, who buys themselves more likes and engagement, and keep following these predators. SW predators who have larger followings and established brand names, who spend all day on social media ingratiating themselves to other SW's, sliding in DM's, leaving you nice comments, tend to understand the power of the parasocial relationships. They know that their victims are speaking out behind the scenes and gasp threatening the one thing malignant narcissists care about: their image.

And nobody puts baby's image in a corner. If a narcissists view you as a threat to their image, they'll do literally anything, say anything, in an attempt to protect that image. They'll also spend even more time on social media doing damage control: Leaving other SW's nice comments. Love bombing them. Buying engagement and farming real engagement by simply living on social media.

Another victim who'd been outed by another SW told me that generally, the online SW community sides with whoever has more followers and engagement on social media, despite it being very easy to buy followers and engagement on every platform. People want to be close to those they perceive as having power. Rarely does anyone actually get up off their ass and block an abuser because it doesn't benefit their business to do so. We assume it could never happen to us.

They look harmless, we say. Maybe she deserved it, we say.

If you do what I've been doing, which is continuing to warn the community about the violence these bad actors perpetuate, they simply escalate said behavior.

It started with simple slander: Telling ridiculous lies about myself and their other main target, M, in order to attack our images and credibility. This is also known as DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender roles, a common tactic used in abusive relationships and against sexual assault victims in court. (Thank you to the SW who put a name to this behavior for me. You're a real one).

In layman's terms, these abusers employ the: I have been spending all of my free time attempting to stuff the negative thoughts in my head by harming other people and projecting my insecurities onto them. But oh no, they're warning people about me. I know what I'll do: I'll accuse them of doing what I do to them. Yeah, then people won't know what to believe!

I'm not saying that M is perfect. Neither am I. There's no such thing as a perfect victim. But abusers muddy the water, calling into question (usually with zero real proof) their victims' characters. Less empathetic onlookers may think, oh well, they deserved getting abused. This must all be true. Allowing predators to continue harming vulnerable members of our community.

When Elle and V.P. hacked me (and hacked the other public victim) in the fall of 2023 and began harassing/doxing me online and via text, I vowed to never stop being that annoying voice in your ear, telling this story, until I'm heard. They obviously know this, and are terrified that my words will be heard and believed, so began ferally escalating their attacks. They called my now former landlord and outed me. Well, V.P. did. She actually identified herself as "(Her work name), a Las Vegas SW" because she knew she could. She knew there'd be no way for me to prove she called and outed me to my landlord. She also doesn't just out her victims. She tells horrific lies, like telling my landlord that I post "photos of children on SW Twitter" implying that I'm a child predator. So I had my landlord asking me whether I'm an SW and about the CP I'm posting online.

I said, hold my beer so I can have a panic attack. And promptly got the heck out of dodge.

When she harassed another victim's family member and outed her, V.P. texted the family member, saying this SW "Pretends to be an SW while harassing real SW's"... Huh? So you're sending her OF content to her family, outing her, harassing them, while saying she's NOT an SW but IS harassing SW's? The cognitive dissonance is strong with that one. Or is it plain ole insanity? It's often hard to tell with the Vegas demon.

I won't go into every little abusive behavior they continue to engage in, but it's obsessive. It goes way deeper, it's way darker than you imagine and this blog isn't the place to delve into all of the details and evidence myself and the other public victim, M, will be discussing eventually.

Even my just discussing this here will cause them to create a few more hate/doxing X pages, slander me further online in an attempt to discredit me as their victim, and maybe harass another family member of mine (They're all very aware of the situation).

These predators know that myself and M can't prove that the only person who had our legal names, and my former address, was E.L.

They know we can't prove that we ended our relationship with E.L., began warning people about the doxing and other harmful behavior we witnessed her engaging in, and then were doxed ourselves.

Well, actually, we can. Everything that happened is now archived on Twitter. They think they can hide behind their 20 doxing "anonymous" X pages but, it's all there, plain as day.

Anyone who says something they don't like gets doxed. 1+1=2.

Eventually I'll create a timeline, illustrating how multiple SW's who have said something on X threatening E.L./V.P.'s images getting doxed/hacked/slandered/harassed. The main two victims, myself the M, made posts calling them out. And continued to do so. So they created Twitter/X pages doxing us, harassing us, spreading vile hate, employing the DARVO method, and anyone who sees these posts/the timeline will be like, duh, clearly E.L./V.P. run these pages. Many members of the community are already aware of them, but clearly not enough.

We also have a ton of evidence, like a police report, testimony from my family, tons of harassing texts, V.P. stalking this SW on her personal FB, V.P.'s well documented past involving creating a fake baby/fake kidnapping hoax (illustrating her penchant for telling ridiculous pathological, harmful lies and living in a land of fantasy) and doing anything for attention, good or bad, like outing the name of a very popular blacklist while recently doubling down on this, saying, hey, if Amy Taylor, the arbiter of hooker morality can do it, so can I. They both have extensive histories of crap talking/slandering/bullying other SW's. Multiple people have accused them of doxing. And the list continues.

Problem is, their other victims don't want to lose their kids so STFU and are terrified of them.

At this point, I'm just going to start going by my legal name instead of an SW working name. I'm not even joking. They've done their worst to me, I had to move abruptly, am outed to many people in my life, and much more humiliation and real life violence has occurred because of these two that I won't delineate quite yet. Because of my own naivety in trusting Elle Love with my name and former address (in order to send me something), my legal name will forever be associated with sex work and all the stigma that goes along with it. I simply have to be ok with this.

And I didn't go through all this trauma for noting. I'm not even skimming the surface of everything they've obsessively put us through because remember, folks: Some people enjoy hurting other people.

Three separate people have attempted to get restraining orders against V.P. (I'm not sure if restraining orders were actually obtained. I discovered this when trying to get a restraining order myself but was told to hire an attorney and IT specialist to prove the VoIP burner phone numbers were hers. V.P. then stopped texting us harassment when she learned we'd gone to the cops, so there's no point now. She sticks to doxing us on a few Twitters accounts now.)

This is what some people do for fun. Some people are sick. It's evident if you're actually paying attention that certain people are not well. That they're obsessed with pointlessly crap talking other women, over and over again, for years. Hurting others is a past time for people like this, a concept some can't comprehend because they've never been victimized before.

The crux of the issue is this: SW's are on social media to make money. The privileged SW's, with very large followings, who have the power to stand up against predatory behavior tend to be the least likely to call out fucked up shit. They post their selfies at the spa, and that's it. It doesn't benefit their brand to support and protect the community. They're here to attract another whale.

Most SW's do SW because they're not privileged, so feel powerless to discuss this publicly, lest they become the next target. So bad actors, abusive dommes, sociopaths, doxxers and others remain in the limelight, ready to prey on their next victim.

Until someone finally creates a platform in which they can bully the bullies, this intercommunity violence will continue. It'll take someone, say, who's already been doxed and outed. Who has nothing to lose. Who likes a good fight. Who can be a bit of demon herself, when a righteous cause is placed at her feet.

So shall it be.

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