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Blaze on 420: Cannabis and Sexual Desire

Updated: Apr 19, 2024

Not NYC Redhead Escort Rose Blaze but a Beautiful Backside Nonetheless

In honor of the blessed 420 arriving this Saturday, I decided to write this blog on my love of cannabis. Cannabis puts me into a heightened state of awareness where food has richer flavor, music can move me to tears and the colors of life are more vibrant. I'm not alone in experiencing the wonders of cannabis with many users reporting an increase in sexual desire. I try to mention cannabis on my website because I want to attract likeminded friends who want to experience the beauty and bonds that are built during stoned sex. Most NYC escorts and adult service lovers love weed for it's ability to open us up to new sexual frontiers.

One particularly memorable evening involved my suitor bringing me a bar of weed chocolate from a Massachusetts dispensary. I've always found that MA has the best edible products and was excited to split the bar with my date. We were going to a strip club, a Broadway show and dinner at Jean-Georges. That warm, fuzzy high started to kick in while we were at the strip club in a private room, my eyes glued to the derrière of a gorgeous stranger. My date was watching as I slid 20's into a beautiful dancer's G-string. Her full bottom shook and wobbled side to side, hypnotizing me, I just couldn't stop staring at her shapely curves. What do they feel like? I don't want to be disrespectful and just grab someone's ass but, damn. I'd never seen a peach quite so peachy.

My face felt heavy and I realized the edible had kicked in, causing me to start laughing for no reason as I smiled at my handsome date. I sashayed back to him to get more cash for our beautiful dancer, leaning over to kiss him, my cheeks flushed from the excitement. Maybe this lovely dancer would be willing to come over later tonight after the show?

NYC Redhead Escort Rose Blaze lying on a gold bed in a red bodysuit, touching her gorgeous red locks. Also wearing black thigh highs.
NYC Redhead Escort of Your Dreams, Rose Blaze, bby ❤️‍🔥

Recent studies show "increased receptivity to and interest in sexual activity after using cannabis with women reporting higher rates of increased desire from cannabis use as compared to men" so it makes sense that I am always more sexually stimulated and open minded after using weed. It's interesting to consider why cannabis has a stronger effect on women than men. My anecdotal evidence shows that almost every femme sex worker I know loves pot, which tells me that our bodies are generally more sensitive to it.

Cannabis has been identified to have sexually stimulating effects and can intensify sexual experiences. It increases relaxation and sensory focus, while decreasing anxiety, which indirectly benefits sexuality. Daily and weekly pot users have more sex than those who never use pot. So potheads get laid more, which is kinda obvious. Those who never smoke often do so for religious reasons, making them stick-in-the-mud types who generally have less sex.

Cannabis enhances lubrication for women and is a great sex aid. But due to the muscle relaxant effects, some men can only use a very small amount of cannabis before sex if they want to maintain an erection. Getting TOO relaxed can actually be a bad thing for some men but I've never had this experience with a date. Men seem to get extremely revved up after using weed and never have any issues getting hard. But if you take a high dose edible then maybe I could see that inhibiting sex.

I don't use cannabis before my dates but I do love a fun cannabis date where we smoke together, or take an edible, hold hands, listen to music and stare up at the moon in between passionate lovemaking sessions. Hybrids or sativas are my favorite type of cannabis to partake in during a date. You can feel free to bring your vape or papers, whatever works best for you. I have a Pax vape so if you want me to bring it, let me know in advance. I can provide cannabis for our date with an extra charge. I make a delicious cannabis tea that's fairly strong for $60/bottle and I'm told it will really help with insomnia 😘 Take a small amount or you'll fall asleep. I am available for a bit this Saturday (420 baby!) so fill out my booking form to set up a date.

Please leave a comment on my Twitter/x telling me whether or not weed makes you horny, baby. It really helps me if you can repost my Twitter/x post about this blog! Links are suppressed, as is my Twitter/x generally, so your engagement really is appreciated ❤️


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