I could not believe my eyes: Were US government officials finally attempting to (slowly) abolish usage of the slur "prostitute"? That's what immediately dumbfounded me as I read the Illinois General Assembly Bill 4110, lead by State Senator Karina Villa (pictured above). Sure, it probably won't be passed but that's not my point.
According to the synopsis written here, the act, "Amends various Acts to change 'juvenile prostitution' to 'commercial sexual exploitation of a child', 'prostitute' to 'person engaged in the sex trade', and 'juvenile prostitute' to 'sexually exploited child.'" This is a tiny, slightly neurotic What About Bob baby step in the direction toward mainstream society finally removing the Puritan moral judgements about (mostly) women who are directly paid for sex and emotional labor.
Currently, sex is only acceptable if it's in exchange for financial stability from one's husband in a heteronormative relationship or for a free dinner.
When we rename and redefine "prostitution" we empower SW's as workers worthy of labor and legal protections. One Merriam Webster definition for "prostitute" is, "put (oneself or one's talents) to an unworthy or corrupt use or purpose for the sake of personal or financial gain."
This word's connotations denote selfishness, unworthiness, dirtiness, and everything associated with that which society deems immoral. As Maya Angelou said, "There are many ways to prostitute oneself, and you'd know something about that, wouldn't you, dear." A blood thirsty reporter had called out her experience as a FSSW while young and, genius that she was, Maya knew that we all have prostituted ourselves under capitalism.
Everyone from politicians to tech elites very blatantly "prostitute" themselves for whichever US president is elected, as evidenced by any new article written on US current events. Even Bill Gates has been been gracious and a bit complimentary towards Trump as of late. People who have vocally been antagonistic toward the orange man are now "prostituting" themselves, attending his inauguration, and folks like Zuckerberg updated Meta policies to favor what Trump favors: less moderation and more misinformation on Facebook and Instagram.
Once we slowly but surely stop referring to SW's as "immoral prostitutes", denoting Puritan moral judgements, but as workers, everything else falls into place. Of course the portion of Bill 4110 that would create laws to protect FSSW's from cops who want to screw us then arrest us is extremely important. As is the expungement of felony prostitution charges that the measure would enact into law. These would have real, live, tangible results for people who are currently relegated to the status of second class citizens due to a prostitution conviction.
Imagine being unable to get hired at any decent job, barred from obtaining housing, and forced to wear a digital scarlet letter defining you forever as a dirty "prostitute" when anyone does a background check on you. This law would have huge implications when it comes to making real life progress for the SW rights movement.
Will it pass? I'm not a legal scholar but considering the current conservative political climate: absolutely not. But that's not the point. We're just getting started. Priming politicians with the notion that, OMG, SW's are working a trade and deserve protection, dignity and respect is the light at the end of the tunnel that I'm focusing on. Put that thought out there into the ether, and keep shining a light on it. Eventually, the discourse and laws around SW will change.